“What is the role of social media in the overall growth of our business?” has now been replaced with the query “How can we effectively utilize social media to make our business a thriving one?” If you are trying to beat your brains out around contemporary social media, odds are you would have been overwhelmed by now. With the social space being completely unrecognizable than the previous decade, it’s certainly a bunch to take in. Business profiles were occasional back then. Almost 80% of marketers are now dependent on Digital Media Agency in order to upraise brand awareness. In case you feel like you are late at the game, your worry comes to a halt here. To help get your feet wet, we are here to help you out with a checklist that might prove to be handy and will get the ball rolling. Pick the social channel: First things first: Give a kick start to your plan by deciding the perfect place for your business. It’s as easy as falling off a log for bigger brands like...