Have you been around for quite some time or just setting up a new business? No matter how old or big your company is, the website is essential. No one wants to set up just any website. One will have to use basic website design to entice customers, capture leads, and make sales. Several styles, fonts, themes, and colors are available to create an appealing look of your website. As it's not just everyone's cup of tea, a website design company in Delhi is critical in adhering to the needs of several businesses. Before you jump-start building a website, you'll want to know the specifics. Here are some of the basic website design elements every business should have. Slider vs. Header Image: Whenever a user first steps onto your website, the first thing that comes across their sight is the big header image. The header image must be of high-quality to look good at any screen. Header images will grab your customer's attention and will encourage them to keep scrolling or take...